Saturday, June 1, 2013

Our DEAR Pal and Christian Brother Kirk Cameron

Try the latest book Turkey Broth for the Spirit: Just a Few Questions which questions the Pentateuch:

Kirk Cameron and Pal Ray Comfort:
Warning! Some Christians are Bigger Morons than they Appear!

     I would very much like to get my hands on one of the remixed copies of Darwin's book that was passed out by Cameron and Comfort. These men seem like they are likable enough until they start spouting off about religion, right? The steadfast belief that Christians and only Christians are correct is pure insanity but these guys cannot see this to save themselves.
     Lord forbid that anyone should think or believe differently than Comfort and Cameron who are so deluded in the surety of their faith that they badly twist facts and horribly distort the truth in a stumbling attempt to bring more souls to Jesus. Good luck, guys. You'll definitely need it.

     You know, in the first part of this clip Cameron actually manages to look smug, a far cry from the cute little chubby-faced kid in Growing Pains. Don't you just love Cameron's false analogy of the camera and the human eye?! This woman is AWESOME!!! I totally need a girlfriend like her.

     Howard Stern...I love you. You have a way of putting things that can make the dead laugh, holy shit! I love listening to you! Stern is absolutely correct...Cameron has not been denied ANY right. Any. Not one. I totally agree with Stern when he infers it is great that some people find religion but not so great that these same people feel compelled to expose the rest of us to it as well. Robin says, "Don't you want to learn everything from a TV actor?" Hah! Excellent!
     Here at some part of the broadcast Cameron says only God can change the heart of the person to be moral. ? WTF? So, I suppose David Koresh, Jim Jones, the Millerites, Jimmy Swaggart, Jimmy Bakker, and all the other delusional within Christianity are on the right track to morality? P-shaw. Again, I agree with Stern when he asks why is it so important for Cameron to try to change all of us to his version of thinking?

     Cameron wants your children to be taught what he believes in public schools? Hell no. Nope. If it ever came down to that I would sell a kidney to put my kids in a private school that DIDN'T teach such bullshit.

     People professing to be Christian did this to the gay community. Nice. How would those same Christians appreciate gays going into their church or neighborhood and doing the same thing...except for the OTHER SIDE of the argument?

     Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron totally dissed by a fellow preacher.

     Here, Cameron tries to use huge and amazing facts in an effort to stymie you into believing his own version of truth which is more of a delusional assertion of faith. This man seems to take great joy in making himself appear as an ass to as many people as possible. Nature is observable proof that Cameron and Comfort BOTH are idiots.

     Cameron is so full of shit. Why does he make it so easy to prove he is lying? Much like the question of how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie-Pop, the world may never know.

     This is absolutely hilarious! These two idiots are an excellent argument for sterilization.

     HHaaahahaAA!!!! Oh, JESUS!! You have to watch this!! Out-freaking-standing!

     Hah!! This stupid fucker totally gets the founding documents of this country all fucked up. Total moron douchebag.

     Hebrew republic? What the fuck are you talking about, Cameron? A republic by definition is a form of government where the country is a public matter and not the property or concern of the rulers. Read the Old Testament and you will find NO SUCH THING as a Hebrew republic. The God of the Bible ran every facet of the Israelites' lives and the horrible track record of this God in relation to the terrible hell the people (who were supposed to be his chosen people) suffered is evidence as to the non-existence of this supposed Hebrew republic. The God of the Bible gives two shits and a mother fuck about what people want as this God only wants what benefits Him, right? Praise and glory and worship. That is what the God of the Bible is all about.

      So...if I want a builder to do something for me I need to have faith in him? Uhm...NO. I want to see references and examples of his finished work, fuck the faith. I am not going to pay this builder or even consider giving him my business unless i am one hundred percent sure that he can do the work I need to be done. Faith has no place in something like building anyways. Are you going to have 'faith' that the building is according to code and earthquake-proof requirements, or are you going to hire a guy who you know FOR SURE will get it done the way it needs to get done?

     Hah! Comfort is hilarious when trying to answer the question posed him as to who made God.

     Again, Comfort makes no goddamn sense as he tries to give an answer that is in correlation to his screwy beliefs AND that trumps atheism at the same time. Doesn't happen. Comfort's dancing answers as to God and the creation of evil only serve to solidify the stupidity of the Bible and its God.

     I love the comment in here as to Cameron and Comfort being two of the finest fifteenth century minds. It is absolutely wonderful how these assholes try to validate their absurd beliefs by trying to make scientists look like they do not know what they are talking about.

     This video opens with the typical behavior of Creationists using and abusing comments by others in an attempt to prove the ridiculousness of the Bible. And, look! An orangutan is proved to hold and express more intelligence that Comfort and Cameron put together times ten.

     Here Cameron asserts that evolution is male chauvinist and racist...never mind that that describes Christianity perfectly. Oh yes. The pathetic opinion of women as expressed in the Bible is not worth the thin rice paper it is printed on. And yes, quote mining is the life-blood of Christianity and almost all attempts to prove such rubbish true.

     The statistics presented in the beginning of this video are not very comforting, are they? People are not demanding scientific reform because if they do that then more and more people will fall away from the stupidity of religion. Then, where will the perceived power of the Christians go? Right down the toilet. Then, they will not be in charge of they things they are in charge of and people will stop listening altogether whenever they claim that their rights are being taken away.

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